Weekly Photo Challenge: Urban

This weeks theme is Urban. I grew up in a really rural area. It is old, old old. The house originally belonged to my great grandparents, then my grandfather, then my dad and now my sister. It has never been owned by any other family and is over 200 years old. It has beautiful stain glass windows on the opposite side. Our yard is huge, and backed up to the town train station. As the trains fly by, the house shakes a little. Unfortunately, developers are doing everything they can to destroy this quiet little neighborhood. The historical society ( at this point ) has won the fight against tearing down my family house, but they are still going to develop the land around it. Town homes, single family homes and a few convenience stores. In about 3 short years this neighborhood with large yards will be a thing of the past, and be a very urban area. I live only 10 minutes away from my family home, it will be weird to drive by my old home and see a Walgreens and town homes with this one old house stuck in the middle of it all. My sister won’t be able to live there after the developing begins, maybe I won’t have a need to torture myself and see what has become  of my childhood neighborhood. I think it will be sad, I know my dad will be sad.


About 4rozebds

I am a stay at home mom who very recently received her first non point and shoot camera. I am the least creative person I know and am looking for inspiration to bring out any that may be buried deep within me.
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19 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Urban

  1. Northern Narratives says:

    This is very sad. I think there is too much development and not enough saved.

  2. taniamend says:

    😦 heartfelt

  3. Angeline M says:

    Sometimes things with character are just not appreciated. Definitely sad.

  4. Iñigo says:

    Oh how sad. I feel the same for my great grandfather’s house. At this very moment, a new building is being constructed after demolishing the old one. But I guess they were doing this for the safety of my grandmother who is still staying there. Because it was very old, they felt the structure was getting unsafe. Good thing, the house was saved in photographs 🙂
    I love your post.

  5. irishrd says:

    That’s just sad 😦

  6. Surely there’s some type of historic preservation group that can help you fight this? I hope that you find a way to protect that slice of history. Good luck. Z

    • 4rozebds says:

      There is a historical preservation society, and they have fought and won for my family house to stay, Many other homes just like ours will be destroyed. They can’t stop the developing tho, the county has the final say. The county is actually in favor of tearing down my house and developing our property. We count the win to keep our house standing as a major victory. Thanks for looking! Have a great day!

      • I am glad that you fought for and won the right to keep your historic home, though it’s sad to lose any historic property.
        A friend of mine is one of the best and accepted the task of putting the Mississippi Gulf Coast back together, as far as historic preservation. He’s surely in the middle of a hurricane watch this week. when the storm has passed, i’ll send the post to him. Z

  7. adinparadise says:

    I’m so sad for you. Your family home looks so lovely.

  8. The insiduous creep of our urbanising planet …. swallows up the rural, and engulfs heritage. What a loss.

  9. progress … or … not. ~~~ : – (

    • 4rozebds says:

      Not! Funny thing is just 5 miles down the road we have a HUGE shopping center, Target, Safeway, a few sit down restaurants, few fast foods, 5 banks, Bed Bath and Beyond, 10 theatre movie theatre. OY, do we really need more people in this area? NO! We live so close to so many governmental employed areas, that we are such a draw to people and developers. My husband wants to move, but my kids are here and so are my 2 grandchildren. I just can’t leave them.

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